Competition Format and Rules

The Rocky Mountain Division Time Trials is a series of events where competitors go for the fastest lap time (Time Attack) and the fastest time from a standing start at a segment of a track (TrackSprint). Multiple sessions or courses can be run during an event, with combined times determining how you stack up at the end of the event.

These are the rules for how each of those formats are run, what penalties there might be and how drivers should conduct themselves on track.

Of course, all of the Rules of the Track apply, and these Competition Rules build on those basics to create the procedures for National Tour events.

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Time Trials Competition Formats

  1. Time Attack
    1. Start

      Vehicles will be released from pit lane for a warm up lap led by the first car leaving the grid.
      The start of each session will be signaled by a Green Flag at the start/finish line after the
      single pace lap, but competitors may separate and accelerate before they reach the start/finish
      and the Green Flag. Warm up lap pace should be at such a speed as to allow all cars to enter the
      track before the first car comes around in order to create track space and give the best chance
      for clean laps for each driver.

      1. Passing on the Out Lap

        Passing on the out lap is by point-by only, even if the group rules allow passing without a point during the session.

    2. Track Limits

      Drivers are expected to use hard-paved surfaces only and keep a portion of one tire within
      the marked track limits at all times. Drivers deemed to have exceeded track limits will
      have their fastest lap of that session disqualified. A second offense may result in
      disqualification from that session. Further offenses may result in exclusion from the
      event. Track limits are defined as paved track surface and adjacent curbing. Exceptions
      may be made if the off-course resulted from controlled avoidance of an unsafe situation.

    3. Off Course/Loss of Control

      Any vehicle leaving the paved course area with all four wheels OR deemed
      to have a “significant loss of control” on course in a Time Attack session shall self-report
      to the pit area for a discussion with the Driver Coach for that session. If appropriate (and timely),
      the driver may proceed back on track after receiving appropriate signals from the Pit Marshal. Drivers
      who do not self-report will be black flagged for a discussion with the Driver Coach. Drivers may be
      black flagged for discussion with the Driver Coach in the case of repeated two (2) or three (3) wheels-off situations.

    4. Session Interruption

      Any driver deemed to have caused a Black Flag All or Red Flag condition for a driving
      error or mechanical issue will receive one warning. A second offense will result in exclusion from
      resuming that session. Further offenses may result in exclusion from the event.

    5. Sportsmanship Standards

      Drivers are reminded that SCCA Time Trials Events are not wheel-to-wheel competition,
      but a contest of lap times. Drivers are expected to share the track and work together so that all
      drivers may perform to the best of their ability. Drivers deemed to have interfered with a competitor
      intentionally or thoughtlessly will be disqualified from that session. Further offenses shall
      result in exclusion from the event.

    6. Session End

      Sessions shall normally be ended by a Checkered Flag shown at the Start/Finish after the session
      time or number of laps has elapsed. After receiving the Checkered Flag ending the session, drivers
      will be given cool down time to exit the track.

      1. It is permissible to use a second Checkered Flag as a reminder after competitors
        have seen the Checkered Flag at the Start/Finish line.
      2. It is permissible that a session be ended with a Black Flag All all in the event of an
        incident requiring that flag condition.
      3. If the session is stopped with a Black Flag All or Red Flag, no more lap times will
        be officially scored once the Black or Red Flag is shown and competitors should slow
        down and proceed to the pits (Black Flag) or stop (Red Flag).
    7. Flag Violations
      1. If a driver fails to obey a yellow, black, red or checkered flag they may lose their fastest lap of that session.
      2. Repeated offenses may result in exclusion from sessions or the event
  2. TrackSprint
    1. Course

      TrackSprint layouts shall be defined no later than the Driver’s
      Meeting of the event. TrackSprint events may run portions of tracks backwards,
      if the Safety Steward and track management approve.

    2. Grid

      Vehicles shall be staged in a grid area near the course.

    3. Start

      Vehicles will be released from a grid to the start line. A driver’s run
      is considered to have started when they are released by the Starter. A driver’s time
      starts when they trip the timing light, and the start line shall be clearly indicated.

    4. Track Limits

      Drivers are expected to keep all four tires fully inside track limits at all times.
      Drivers deemed to have exceeded track limits will have that run/lap disqualified. A second offense
      will result in disqualification from that session. Further offenses may result in exclusion from the
      event. Track limits are defined as paved track surface and adjacent curbing. Exceptions may be made
      if the off-course resulted from controlled avoidance of an unsafe situation.

    5. Session Interruption

      Drivers deemed to have caused a Red Flag condition or cause another driver
      to slow because of mechanical difficulty or loss of control will have their single fastest
      run from that session disqualified but may complete all runs in that session. A second
      offense may result in exclusion from the session or event.

    6. Finish

      The Finish is defined as the timing line where the recorded competition
      time stops and will be clearly indicated. Drivers are expected to slow their vehicle
      to pit-lane speed and proceed back to the grid area. Drivers who do not slow to pit-lane
      speed may lose their fastest run.

    7. Re-Runs

      A re-run may be granted to a driver who has had to slow for a Yellow Flag,
      debris on course or for catching the car in front of them. If a driver has already had an
      issue on that run, that driver may not be granted a re-run.

      1. Re-runs will be granted only for timing failure, object on the course, Red Flag,
        catching the car in front, or other situations at the discretion of the Competition
        Director for that group and will not be given because of mechanical or other failure of the competitor’s car.
      2. Re-runs should be taken as soon as practical, subject to the discretion of Event Officials.
      3. If a competitor has had an issue on course which would disqualify that run
        (such as an off-course), no re-runs shall be given to that competitor for that run.
      4. In the case in which a flag condition or slower car disrupts a competitor’s run,
        the competitor must thereafter continue through the remainder of the course at a
        reasonable pace, below competition speed, and will be granted a re-run if appropriate.
        Delaying the event by failing to complete the remainder of the course in a timely fashion,
        or incurring ad­ditional penalties, may result in forfeiture of the re-run.
      5. Being caught by a competitor (having a car appear in your mirrors) is not grounds f
        or a re-run, but any driver who catches another is cautioned not to cause a distraction
        to the driver ahead of them by staying too close. Passing is strictly prohibited unless
        the car ahead is having mechanical difficulty or has gone off course. Aggressive or
        distracting behavior behind a driver you have caught may result in penalties.
    8. Cones

      Cones are NOT required for TrackSprint but may be used at the discretion of
      officials for safety reasons or to define a course in a non-traditional location or area of the course.

      1. Organizers may assign penalties for the displacement of cones or missing
        sections of the course; any penalties to be assigned should be noted in the
        Supplemental Regulations.

Time Trials Event Procedures

    1. 1. Unscored Sessions

      Unscored lapping sessions or passes of the course may be timed and may be used
      for practice or group seeding. Passing rules should be the same or more restrictive as the
      group’s scored sessions. Unscored sessions may be done at speed, or controlled by a pace car
      and used as familiarization. Any unscored sessions run at speed shall have the same minimum
      safety standards as scored sessions.

      1. Unscored Session Etiquette

        Despite not being scored, drivers are reminded to share the track, not to
        hinder other drivers, give point-bys when needed, and may be asked to report to the Driver
        Coach for any off-course or loss of control.

    2. Groups and Grid
      1. Groups
        1. Groups in Time Attack style sessions should be divided by competitor
          experience and license grade without regard to class. Group passing rules
          should follow a graduated progression based on experience.
        2. TrackSprint Grouping may not need to be heavily influenced by experience,
          because there should not be passing during TrackSprint runs.
        3. Organizers may allow competitors to run outside of their groups for
          mechanical problems, re-runs or other issues, but may assign penalties for
          competitors running out of their assigned groups.
      2. Grid

        Whenever possible, competitors at SCCA Time Trials Events should be
        positioned on grid in order of their best times from previous scored and unscored sessions.
        Competitors late to grid may lose their earned grid spot.

      3. Late Starts and Early Exits
        1. Late Session Starts

          Drivers are not required to be on grid to participate in a session, they may join late.

          1. Drivers who start late may be held until every car has gotten a clear lap
            so as to cause the least disruption to those already on track.
        2. Early Session Exit

          Drivers entering the paddock before a session ends may keep any times run during that
          session but may forfeit those times if they return to the track during that session-if
          the event is one which uses impound procedures.

      4. Rain Event

        If Event Officials declare a “rain event,” then competitors may change to an
        alternate set of tires, even if the rules require a single set for an entire event.

      5. Scoring

        Scoring of Time Trials Tour and Time Trials final results will be determined by
        the cumulative time of fastest laps or runs of a given event.

Last Updated – 02/23/2020